I generated some css from database values on Page_Load and Then wrapped it like-
CssDiv.InnerHtml = "<style id=\"main_styles\" type=\"text/css\">\n" + {Css as string} + "\n</style>"
here CssDiv is like-
<div id="CssDiv" runat="server"></div>
user are allowed to change these css values with color pickers and drop downs. on change of picker or dropdown, I am making ajax call with the selected value to server, saving it into database. Now on success of this request, I have to change the content of $("style#main_styles") according to user's selection.
The problem is
1) When I am changing the Css its being reflected on the page but not under developer tool (that open when you right click to Inspect element). For example assume following css-
#zoneBody .blocktextContent {
background-color: #99daee;
now user selected #1066cc from the picker, when my code runs #1066cc is being applied on the element "#zoneBody .blocktextContent" on page but when I am inspecting the element in the developer console its still showing-
#zoneBody .blocktextContent {
background-color: #99daee; // while it should be- "background-color: #1066cc;"
2) The changes I made are not permanent on browser, i.e. when any other element on Page is causing partial post-back, although I am not touching CssDiv on server yet its resetting the users selection. (I have an update panel, that wraps complete page content, even CssDiv... This is causing partial post-backs).
I am using following code to apply the user's selection-
var layoutelement= "#zoneBody .blocktextContent";
var style = "background-color";
var stylevalue= "#1066cc"; // user's selection
var sheets = document.styleSheets;
for (var i = 0; i < sheets.length; i++) {
var sheet = sheets[i];
if (sheet.ownerNode.id == "main_styles") {
var rules = sheet.cssRules;
for (var j = 0; j < rules.length; j++) {
var rule = rules[j];
if (rule.selectorText == layoutelement) {
rule.style.setProperty(style, stylevalue);
// I also tried "rule.style[style] = stylevalue;"
I can not use-
$(layoutelement).css(style, stylevalue);
because layoutelement can be more complex like-
layoutelement = "#zoneBody .blockTextContent a,#zoneBody .blockTextContent a:link,#zoneBody .blockTextContent a:visited,#zoneBody .blockTextContent a .yshortcuts";
I hope I am clear enough, but if you need any more description.. let me know in comments.. Thank you