I am starting with SpagoBI, I managed to display a static chart using Highchart, what I want to do is a dynamic chart means if my data set is updated I want my chart to be updated as well, without manually refreshing the web page. like the example under this link [1] I used SpagoBi studio to deploy the chart, I tested the option of "refresh Seconds" (I edited to 1 second) while deploying but it is not working.
How can I do that?
Update: the chart template:
<HIGHCHART width="100%" height="100%">
<CHART defaultSeriesType="spline" zoomType="xy"/>
<TITLE text="Temperature 1"/>
<X_AXIS allowDecimals="true" maxZoom="4" min="0" tickWidth="1" type="linear" alias="recvTime">
<Y_AXIS maxPadding="0.0" maxZoom="4" tickWidth="1" type="linear" alias="attrValue">
<SPLINE stacking="">
<SERIES name="Temperature" alias="recvTime,attrValue" type="spline"/>