In from Google Drive Demo app
what i have replace in EXISTING_FOLDER_ID
Please provide steps to get this values
* DriveId of an existing folder to be used as a parent folder in
* folder operations samples.
public static final String EXISTING_FOLDER_ID = "????";
* DriveId of an existing file to be used in file operation samples..
public static final String EXISTING_FILE_ID = "????";
* Extra for account name.
protected static final String EXTRA_ACCOUNT_NAME = "????";
The first part, EXISTING_FOLDER_ID,EXISTING_FILE_ID, is answered in SO 21800257, but be careful.
You can't just go to a web Drive interface, create a file, copy/paste its resource id ... Google Drive Android API (GDAA) supports only FILE scope, so only files, folders created by your Android App are eligible.
EXTRA_ACCOUNT_NAME is a name of your Google (gmail) account ( That's the one you would need here:
GoogleApiClient mGac = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(contex)
but I'm not sure the demo even addresses this.
You would use it if your Android App allowed switching between different accounts.