
iOS push notification app not asking for permissio

2019-09-07 04:14发布


I am working on an app which requires push notifications to be enabled. I have followed this article and worked fine till I downloaded the provisioning profile. I am using Rubymotion to develop this app and hence in my Rakefile I Did this,

app.name = 'Myapp'
app.identifier = 'com.myapp.development'
app.provisioning_profile = '/Users/sunilkumar/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/Myapp_Development.mobileprovision'

'My App' is the name of my app. Identifier is the project identifier (as per the Rubymotion docs and as per my belief thats the bundle identifier ), the default value of which I override to make it same as the App Id which I created in the IOS development center.

In my app_delegate.rb, I also have this piece of code,

UIApplication.sharedApplication.registerForRemoteNotificationTypes(UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert | UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge | UIRemoteNotificationTypeSound)

The issue is that when the device is connected and the app installed, the permission for push notifications is not being asked. I guess I have done almost everything right and is as per the article I linked above, but somehow it just doesn't seem to work. Any help on this would be must appreciated.


I think you might have installed this app before. iOS only ask permission for push once a day per application. So, you will need to change the system time ahead 2 days or more, reboot the device then change systime back. This will make permission alert be asked again.


Figured it out guys.

I had to set the aps-environment in my RubyMotion project's Rakefile.

app.entitlements['aps-environment'] = 'development'  
app.entitlements['get-task-allow'] = true

As soon as I did, it worked for me. Thanks all for the responses.


After enabling Push notification for you app you need to create SSL certificate then generate new provisional profile.

Hope it resolve your problem