Short question, I have the following structure, which I store in "Salas"
struct SalasMaster {
let id: Int
let nombre: String
let latitud: String
let longitud: String
let piso: String
let observaciones: String
let pabellon: String
var Salas = [SalasMaster]()
...receiving data...
example -> SalasMaster
- id: 307
- nombre: "SALA DE PROYECTOS "
- latitud: "-29.96429300"
- longitud: "-71.34937300"
- piso: "1"
- observaciones: ""
- pabellon: "X - Escuela de Ingeniería"
And finally what I want is to filter the example id, at this moment I get an array where it is, along with all other corresponding data
...filter data...
var arrayFiltered = Salas.filter{$ == 307}
Print(arrayFiltered) -> [SalasMaster(id: 307, nombre: "SALA DE PROYECTOS ", latitud: "-29.96429300", longitud: "-71.34937300", piso: "1", observaciones: "", pabellon: "X - Escuela de Ingeniería")]
But I can't find the way to return only one data that I'm interested in retrieving from "id", in this case I want to capture only "latitud", although in another case I might need another one.