Im my Angularjs-App the query url parameter datenbestand is not set: ?datenbestand=undefinded. Source code is as follows.
<select ng-model="datenbestand" id="datenbestand" name="datenbestand" class="span3 search-query">
<option value="A">A</option>
<option value="B">B</option>
app.controller( 'VListCtrl', [ '$scope', 'personlistdto', 'VListLoader', '$q', 'VService',
function( $scope, personlistdto, VListLoader, $q, VService ) {
$scope.personlistdto = personlistdto;
$scope.searchFactory = VListLoader;
$ = function( ){
$scope.personlistdto = $scope.searchFactory();
] );
services.factory( 'VService', [ '$resource',
function find( $resource ) {
return $resource( '/cdemo/rest/vers/ajs/:id',
{ id: '@id', datenbestand: '@datenbestand', isArray: false }
} ] );
services.factory( 'VListLoader', [ 'VService', '$q', '$route',
function( VService, $q, $route ) {
var find = function find() {
var delay = $q.defer();
VService.get( function( personlistdto ) {
delay.resolve( personlistdto );
}, function() {
delay.reject( 'Unable to fetch v' );
} );
return delay.promise;
return find;
} ] );
What am I doing wrong?