This question is an exact duplicate of:
Foreach loop (or do while maybe?) - Want to return only one record depending on page
2 answers
My db has two records with multiple fields (e.g. partnerName, image_url, etc). The foreach loop pasted below works perfectly, returning the two values 'partnerName' from the two records.
I now only want to return the value from the current record.
I replaced the following line:
<?php foreach($this->challengenames as $k=>$challengename) { ?>
<?php $challengename = $this->challengenames[0]; ?>
and got rid of the ending php bracket.
This gets rid of the loop, but I lose the index k so I get no values. Any advice on how to modify this loop to retain the index k but return only the value for the current record?
Many thanks!
<div id="defaultcontainerwrapper" class="maxwidth">
<?php foreach($this->challengenames as $k=>$challengename) { ?>
<div class="list">
<span>Welcome to </span><?php echo $challengename['partnerName']; ?><span>'s Beat Waste Challenge!</span>
<?php } ?>
Use following code -
<div id="defaultcontainerwrapper" class="maxwidth">
<div class="list">
<span>Welcome to </span><?php echo $this->challengenames[0]['partnerName']; ?><span>'s Beat Waste Challenge!</span>
What do you mean by current record? Because I assume $this->challengenames
refers to the output from maybe fetchAll()
in PDO, returning an array of database rows (as associative arrays). So by using $this->challengenames[0]
you are getting the first row returned (based on the order set in the SQL query).
Index $k in your solution refers to 0. Anyway you're aren't even using $k within your loop o.o
If you wanna return only one row use fetch() or mysql_get_row() (not recommended) or equivalent. And your SQL query should have LIMIT 1
$k is the key of $challengname starting with 0
foreach($this->challengenames as $key => $value) {
$key[0] = $value['partnername'];
If you want to get the latest data from you DB then i recommend you to fetch the data in descending order and retrieving only a single row as mention below
select * from <your table> orderby DESC
now you don't have to run a loop just use the 0th index to get the latest data