Suppose that I have editable form where I have some sets of checkboxes. In edit mode I should be able to control state of other checkboxes via main checkbox. When it is in selected state then I can check other checkboxes, when it is in off state then they all should be unchecked and disabled.
Here my html form:
<body ng-app="app">
<h4>x-editable checkbox test</h4>
<div ng-controller="Ctrl">
<form editable-form name="editableForm3" onaftersave="">
<div> <span e-title="Maincb" editable-checkbox="useAll" e-name="maincb">
<b>Maincb</b>: {{useAll ? "✔" : "✘" }}
<span class="title"><h4><b>Supplementary</b></h4></span>
<span e-title="1" editable-checkbox="sup[0]" e-name="1">
{{sup[0] ? "✔" : "✘"}}1
<span e-title="2" editable-checkbox="sup[1]" e-name="2">
{{sup[1] ? "✔" : "✘" }}2
<span e-title="3" editable-checkbox="sup[2]" e-name="2">
{{sup[2]? "✔" : "✘" }}3
The question is whether it is possible to do via x-editable and/or angularjs methods? I tried to use e-ng-change on maincb and transfer it's state to some controller function but I couldn't switch off supplementary checkboxes... I guess it is definitly possible via jquery but I would like to use methods of angularsjs/x-editable framework. Here is my fiddle
Thanks in advance.