Newbie to rails here, so bear with me.
New app on Rails 4 with ruby 2.0, I installed Devise and followed the instructions(default root, etc). Devise readme on github says it should be compatible with rails4 but
- db:migrate failed unless I commented out attr_accessible line in User.rb
- After commenting that out, I get "ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError in Devise::RegistrationsController#create" error in trying to create a user.
I see some stack overflow questions like this, but a lot of the answers jump straight into some complex talk. I get I need to specify permitted attributes for mass assignment, but how? And where? And which attributes need to be permitted, all of them? Only those that I expect to be changed/created at the same time?
Judging by the error would I create a registrations_controller.rb that inherits from Devise::registrationsController ? What do I specify in that?
Any step by step, newbie friendly answers are much appreciated. I've exhausted myself trying different code from answers here and various sites from google searches.