I want to create a service that can deny\revoke access to a user's mobile mail application.
To be specific, I want to temporarily revoke access to a mobile mail client app (like Nine) using office365 online exchange mail, which is authenticated as an Azure Active Directory application.
So far I figured out how to do similar or partial actions:
I can manually revoke azure AD apps using this link: https://account.activedirectory.windowsazure.com/applications/default.aspx
But I didn't find an API for managing azure applications.
I read through the 'Azure AD Graph API reference', but didn't find any way to delete, update a user's details or even to reset its password.
I also looked at the office 365 API catalog, in which most of the APIs are for handling the user's contacts, calendar, mails etc... but no API for manging users. https://msdn.microsoft.com/office/office365/api/api-catalog
Which API should I use in order to handle outlook/AD users or their authorized applications?