I am trying to creat a database with two tables. i want to add in a foreign key in one of them. but the following code is not working, i debug it and i found that the only problem is in adding the foreign key.
private static bool creatDatabase()
bool result = false;
Catalog cat = new Catalog();
Table tableCustomer = new Table();
Table tableAddresses = new Table();
//Create the table Customer and it's fields.
tableCustomer.Name = "Customer";
tableCustomer.Columns.Append("Customer_ID", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger);
tableCustomer.Keys.Append("PrimaryKEy", KeyTypeEnum.adKeyPrimary, "Customer_ID");
tableCustomer.Columns.Append("Name", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar, 50);
tableCustomer.Columns.Append("Email", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar, 50);
tableCustomer.Columns.Append("TelNumber", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar, 32);
tableCustomer.Columns.Append("Fax", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar, 32);
tableCustomer.Columns.Append("Street", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar, 50);
tableCustomer.Columns.Append("PostalCode", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger, 10);
tableCustomer.Columns.Append("City", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar, 50);
tableCustomer.Columns.Append("AdressCounter", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adSmallInt);
tableAddresses.Name = "Addresses";
tableAddresses.Columns.Append("Address_ID", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger);
tableAddresses.Keys.Append("PrimaryKEy", KeyTypeEnum.adKeyPrimary, "Address_ID");
//tableAddresses.Columns.Append("Customer_ID", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger);
//tableAddresses.Keys.Append("ForeignKey", KeyTypeEnum.adKeyForeign, "Customer_ID"); ---> here is the Exception
tableAddresses.Columns.Append("Street", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar, 50);
tableAddresses.Columns.Append("PostalCode", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger, 10);
tableAddresses.Columns.Append("City", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar, 50);
cat.Create("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=" + Application.StartupPath + "\\Customers.mdb" + "; Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5");
//Now Close the database
ADODB.Connection con = cat.ActiveConnection as ADODB.Connection;
if (con != null)
result = true;
catch (Exception ex)
result = false;
if (!result)
ADODB.Connection con = cat.ActiveConnection as ADODB.Connection;
if (con != null)
File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + "\\Customers.accdb");
cat = null;
return result;
if i try antoher approach like the following one(open the database after creating it in the upper methode), it does not work too:
private static bool addForeignKey()
bool retValue = true;
ADODB.Connection con = new Connection();
Key kyForeign = new Key();
Catalog cat = new Catalog();
kyForeign.Name = "test";
kyForeign.Type = KeyTypeEnum.adKeyForeign;
kyForeign.RelatedTable = "Customer";
kyForeign.Columns.Append("CustomerID", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger);
kyForeign.Columns["CustomerID"].RelatedColumn = "Customer_ID";
con.Open("Provider='Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0';Data source ='"
+ Application.StartupPath + "\\Customers.mdb';");
cat.ActiveConnection = con;
cat.Tables["Addresses"].Keys.Append(kyForeign, KeyTypeEnum.adKeyForeign, ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger); // here comes the Exception
retValue = false;
if (con != null)
return retValue;
i dont find a good documentation for the adox api with code examples, thats why i dont know how to solve this? thnx in advance