I'm matching a string and want to return the n

2019-09-06 18:52发布


I'm matching a string and want to return the next three lines after the match. I know that $_ will return the line but I'm not sure what expression to use to return the next two lines in the file that I have. Here the code I have:

open my $fh, '>', "${file}result.txt" or die $!;
       print "$_\n";

Thanks in advance for the help and not making too much fun.


Keeping it simple:

while (<$infile>)
    if (/REGEX/)
        $outfile->print($infile->getline) for 0 .. 1;

The IO::Handle methods are nice for a couple of reasons. $infile->getline is like <>, but only ever grabs one line (whereas <> will return all lines in list context). It also doesn't clobber $_ or warn at the end of the file (although sometimes the latter behavior is desirable).



open (FH, "input.txt") or die $!;

my @contents = <FH>;
my $count = 0;

   $count ++;
   if($_ =~ /This/)
       print "\nNext 3 lines:\n$contents[$count+1] $contents[$count+2] $contents[$count+3]";
} @contents;

This Will do it.
