Saving image to SD Card in a Worklight application

2019-09-06 17:47发布


I have created a Worklight application and added to it the Android environment. This application has a button to take a photo using the device camera, and an img tag in the HTML which displays the captured photo.

I followed this PhoneGap Camera API.

Now I am trying to store that image into the SD Card but fail doing so. my

EDIT: I changed my code as below:

function takeimage() {
// Retrieve image file location from specified source, function(message) {
alert('Image Capture Failed');
}, {
quality : 40,
destinationType : Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI
function getImageURI(imageURI) {

var gotFileEntry = function(fileEntry) { 
    var img=document.getElementById("thisImage");"visible";"block";
        alert("got image file entry: " + fileEntry.fullPath); 
        var gotFileSystem = function(fileSystem){ 
            // copy the file 
            fileEntry.moveTo(fileSystem.root, "pic.jpg", null, null); 
        // get file system to copy or move image file to 
        window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, gotFileSystem, fsFail); 
    //resolve file system for image  
    window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI(imageURI, gotFileEntry, fsFail); 
//file system fail 
function fsFail(error) { 
    alert("failed with error code: " + error.code); 

Everything working fine(capturing image and image available in app cache folder) except moveTo method. fileEntry.moveTo(fileSystem.root, "pic.jpg", null, null); I put fileSystem.root in alert and I am getting Object object. So the folder location is not available to move that image(And I think its the real problem).


This, in fact, has got nothing to do with Worklight.

Since you are already using Apache Cordova to access the device's camera to snap a photo, you should also use it to store the image file to the device's SD Card.

Here are a couple of SO questions to point you to the right solution for you:

  • How to move captured image in PhoneGap to a folder in sdcard
  • Capturing and storing a picture taken with the Camera into a local database / PhoneGap / Cordova / iOS

Note #1: your link to the PhoneGap Camera API points to v1.0. Worklight 5.0.6.x uses PhoneGap 2.3.0, so be sure to use the correct API version.

Note #2: make sure you have added permission to write to the SD Card by adding the below line to the android.manifest file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Note #3: in case #2 above is not enough, try getting the SD Card location like this:

File sdDir = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();


use this option in your takePicture callback

  saveToPhotoAlbum: true

Also use all other option too as per your requirement. This will save your image to photolibrary.

saveToPhotoAlbum: Save the image to the photo album on the device after capture. (Boolean)

It will save your image to sd card without writing any extra code.