Could not find BaseGameUtils.apk

2019-09-06 17:03发布


For the last 2 days I've been trying to simply get Google play game services Integrated into my game. I've followed the instructions here...

...many many times. I have been trying to get it to build with Gradle but for now, I'll just focus on Eclipse building until that works. I've imported BaseGameUtils project into my workspace as an Android library project. My game android project has two Android library dependencies: google-play-services_lib and BaseGameUtils. Everything in Eclipse is showing without any errors. When I build and run on a real device, I see an error that says -

[2014-10-27 20:39:25 - BaseGameUtils] Could not find BaseGameUtils.apk!

I don't know why it's even looking for BaseGameUtils.apk since it should be an Android library. That said, I'm not sure how an Android library is really handled so maybe it should be a .apk. In any case, I couldn't find any information on this bug and the error message doesn't give me much to work with. I've tried adjusting things in the Build Path but no luck. I did have to remove some redundant dependencies in my Build Path earlier since I was getting some kind of duplicate DEX error but I'm not sure that's related in any way to this. I am desperate for help, anyone have any idea?


Can you try this? It has to do with conflicting methods of specifying that a project is a library.

I found the source of the problem!

It turns out that "with the new library feature, you don't specify the Android projects you depend on in the Java Build Path section of the Properties. You do it in the Android section of the Properties".

So all I had to do is go the Application Project's Properties, hit the Projects tab, select my own library project and click the Remove button. That's it. No more problem.

In Eclipse Java EE select the project Properties, then select Project References, then check the FacebookSDK (see screen capture) From: Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk

If that doesn't help, you may want to double check that you selected "Is Library" in BaseGameUtils.

Also, when you hit "Run" in Eclipse, are you running your application and not BaseGameUtils?


Please would you check that BaseGameUtils has "is library" checked and that your application project DOES NOT have "is library" checked.

If this is correct, then please would you review the following in detail (especially as regards checking and unchecking "is library" ) :

Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk

I presume that the DEX error related to two or more versions of the same lib. What is the specific GameHelper error ?

As a general point, I find it productive to get a sample project working first to ensure that I have got the environment working correctly before I start integrating game services into my own projects. If you have been changing the build path then it may be quicker to start from scratch and get a sample working. I have followed those instructions in the past and they are accurate.