Fiddler 2: Resend request through FiddlerScript

2019-09-06 16:08发布


Hello StackOverflow Folks,

I'm new to Fiddler 2, but I seem to be getting along with it pretty good. Although I have one problem that I can't seem to solve.

What I want to do is actually very simple I think. I want to intercept a request, let it run, but if the response doesn't suit me I want it to resend the request and make the initial request nonexcistent. This using FiddlerScript.

Why is this useful: in cases where you send a request but the response is different everytime. and you just want the right kind of response.

What I have so far:

 static function OnBeforeResponse(oSession: Session)
 if (oSession.uriContains("/stackoverflowexample"))

                var body = oSession.GetResponseBodyAsString();
                var item = 0;
                for(var i = 0; i< body.Length; i++)
                    if(i < body.Length -7)
                        if(body.Substring(i, 6) == "ItemID")
                            item= Convert.ToInt32(body.Substring(i+7,1));
                if(item < 2536) //for example itemid must be higher than 2536
                    //STOP / MAKE this session nonexcistent
                    //RESEND CURRENT REQUEST to get new response

                    oSession.state = SessionStates.SendingRequest;


Every possible solution using Fiddlerscript is welcome.

Thank you Stackoverflow cummunity! (and Fiddler developers)


Setting the state of the Session back to SendingRequest doesn't do what you'd hope.

Here's an example of the sort of thing you're trying to do.!searchin/httpfiddler/retry/httpfiddler/3OZQVmQZdR0/uvqTyl3w2BAJ

if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(oSession["X-RetryNumber"])) return;
for(var iRetry: int = 1; iRetry < 5; ++iRetry)
   var oSD = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary();
    oSD.Add("X-RetryNumber", iRetry.ToString());
    var newSession = FiddlerApplication.oProxy.SendRequestAndWait(oSession.oRequest.headers, oSession.requestBodyBytes, oSD, null);
    if (200 == newSession.responseCode) // <--- UPDATE THIS TO WHATEVER YOU LIKE
       // If we were successful on a retry, bail here!
       oSession.oResponse.headers = newSession.oResponse.headers;
       oSession.responseBodyBytes = newSession.responseBodyBytes;
      oSession.oResponse.headers["Connection"] = "close"; // Workaround limitation
