Can I create or use the view controller like SLComposeViewController for the social networks other than Twitter and Facebook? I want to have the similar look for all of the social networks interactions. Is it possible? If yes, how can I do it?
Thanks in advance.
In iOS 7 there is just four social services integrated with SLComposeViewController.
NSString *const SLServiceTypeFacebook;
NSString *const SLServiceTypeTwitter;
NSString *const SLServiceTypeSinaWeibo;
NSString *const SLServiceTypeTencentWeibo;
If you want to share some data in, you should check this official VK SDK for iOS:
It is pretty well documented. I hope you are one the right way now :)
Look at the documentation. These are the following options:
Service Type Constants
NSString *const SLServiceTypeFacebook;
NSString *const SLServiceTypeTwitter;
NSString *const SLServiceTypeSinaWeibo;
NSString *const SLServiceTypeTencentWeibo;