I do hope you give me a practical answer for this (maybe simple problem for you). I have crated a Custom Post Type named (example:) "Cuspost" and I have Custom Taxonomy inside Cuspost named "Custax". Then I have taxonomies: "A Custax" and "B Custax" inside Custax.
What I want to do is just want to check the value of the Custax, for example with has_custax('a-custax')
(similar to has_category('a-category')
Next using is for this:
<?php if (has_custax('a-custax')) {
echo 'do something A';
} else {
echo 'do something B';
For your reference, I've read this (http://wordpress.org/support/topic/custom-taxonomies-conditional-tags#post-1110167) and it aint work.
Thanks for help.