I'm trying to restore the grid after doing GridUnload to it's previous state in terms of filter, sort, group etc'. I successfully achieved restoring all of those, but missing some visual aspects within the grid that are not part of the data i'm restoring, and as such I can't see them.
For example, I do restore the filter values (toolbarfilter), but I can't see the filters values in the toolbar. (they are there, as I can restore them using $("#gview_"+$grid.attr('id')+' #' + inputId).val(column.data), but I don't know how to make them re-appear without iterate manually over them.
I think that if you already filled all fields of the filter toolbar then you can just call triggerToolbar
method. Be carefully that the method is method of DOM element. So you can just call
Eventually, I restored the toolbarfilter by doing the following:
- I saved all the rules into a temporary varible (barFilter).
- After grid restoration, I added a new function that gets the barFilter and extract the values into their places restoreToolbarFilter($('#'+gridName),barFilter);:
regexEscape = function(s) {
return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
function restoreToolbarFilter($grid,searchParams){
for (key in searchParams) {
// Restore the search input string
var column = searchParams[key];
inputId = regexEscape('gs_' + column.field);
$("#gview_"+$grid.attr('id')+' #' + inputId).val(column.data);
// Restore the search filter type and operator symbol
operator = $("#gview_"+$grid.attr('id')+' #' + inputId).closest('tr').find('.soptclass');
$(operator).attr('soper', column.op);
operands = { "eq":"==",
"nn":"!#" };