Group a range of integers such as no pair of numbe

2019-09-06 15:14发布


You are given two numbers, N and G. Your goal is to split a range of integers [1..N] in equal groups of G numbers each. Each pair of numbers must be placed in exactly one group. Order does not matter.

For example, given N=9 and G=3, I could get these 12 groups:


As you can see, each possible pair of numbers from 1 to 9 is found in exactly one group. I should also mention that such grouping cannot be done for every possible combination of N and G.

I believe that this problem can be modelled best with hypergraphs: numbers are vertexes, hyperedges are groups, each hyperedge must connect exactly $G$ vertexes and no pair of vertexes can be shared by any two hyperedges.

At first, I've tried to bruteforce this problem - recursively pick valid vertexes until either running out of vertexes or finding a solution. It was way too slow, so I've started to look for ways to cut off some definitely wrong groups. If a lesser set of groups was found to be invalid, then we can predict any other set of groups which includes that one to be invalid too.

Here is the code I have so far (I hope that lack of comments is not a big concern):

# Input format:
#  vertexes group_size
# Example:
#  9 3
from collections import deque
import itertools

def log(frmt, *args, **kwargs):
    'Lovely logging subroutine'
    if len(args)==len(kwargs)==0:
        print(frmt, file=stderr)
        print(frmt.format(*args, **kwargs), file=stderr)

v, g = map(int, input().split())
linkcount = (v*(v-1)) // 2
if (linkcount % g) != 0:
groupcount = linkcount // g

def pairs(it):
    return itertools.combinations(it, 2)

# --- Vertex connections routines ---

connections = [[False for dst in range(v)] for src in range(v)] 
#TODO: optimize matrix to eat up less space for large graphs
#...that is, when the freaking SLOWNESS is fixed for graph size to make any difference. >_<
def connected(a, b):
    if a==b:
        return True
    if a>b:
        a, b = b, a
    # assert a<b
    return connections[a][b]
def setconnect(a, b, value):
    if a==b:
        return False
    if a>b:
        a, b = b, a
    # assert a<b
    connections[a][b] = value
def connect(*vs):
    for v1, v2 in pairs(vs):
        setconnect(v1, v2, True)
def disconnect(*vs):
    for v1, v2 in pairs(vs):
        setconnect(v1, v2, False)

# --
# --- Failure prediction routines ---
failgroups = {}

def addFailure(groupId):
    'Mark current group set as unsuccessful'
    cnode = failgroups
    sgroups = sorted(groups[:groupId+1])
    for gp in groups:
        if gp not in cnode:
    cnode['!'] = True # Aka "end of node"

def findInSubtree(node, string, stringptr):
    if stringptr>=len(string):
        return False
    c = string[stringptr]
    if c in node:
        if '!' in node[c]:
            return True
            return findInSubtree(node[c], string, stringptr+1)
        return findInSubtree(node, string, stringptr+1)

def predictFailure(groupId) -> bool:
    'Predict if the current group set will be unsuccessful'
    sgroups = sorted(groups[:groupId+1])
    return findInSubtree(failgroups, sgroups, 0)
# --
groups = [None for grp in range(groupcount)]

def debug_format_groups():
    return ' '.join(('-'.join((str(i+1)) for i in group) if group else '?') for group in groups) # fluffy formatting for debugging

def try_group(groupId):
    for cg in itertools.combinations(range(v), g):

        # Predict whether or not this group will be unsuccessful
        if predictFailure(groupId):
        # Verify that all vertexes are unconnected
        if any(connected(v1,v2) for v1,v2 in pairs(cg)):

        # Connect all vertexes
        if groupId==groupcount-1:
            return True # Last group is successful! Yupee!
        elif try_group(groupId+1):
                # Next group was successful, so -
                return True
        # Disconnect these vertexes
        # Mark this group set as unsuccessful
        return False

result = try_group(0)
if result:
    formatted_groups = sorted(['-'.join(str(i+1) for i in group) for group in groups])
    for f in formatted_groups:
    print("NO SOLUTION")

Is this an NP-complete problem? Can it be generalized as another, well-known problem, and if so - as which?

P.S. That's not a homework or contest task, if anything.

P.P.S. Sorry for my bad English, it's not my native language. I have no objections if someone edited my question for more clear phrasing. Thanks! ^^

In the meantime, I'm ready to clarify all confusing moments here.


I've been thinking about it and realized than there is a better way than backtracking. First, we could build a graph where vertices represent all possible groups and edges connect all groups without common pairs of numbers. Then, each clique of power (N(N-1)/2G) would represent a solution! Unfortunately, clique problem is an NP-complete task, and generating all possible binom(N, G) groups would eat up much memory on large values of N and G. Is it possible to find a better solution?