.gitignore file for multiple Android projects unde

2019-09-06 14:37发布


I am having a problem building a .gitignore file for my Android Studio workspace, this is my folder setup:

Android Workspace---
-> School/Application1, Application2, etc.,
-> Projects/Application1, Application2, etc.

Android Workspace is the master folder, School and Projects are used to organize my applications, They contain the folders created when I create a new Android Studio project.

I created a .gitignore file and placed it in Android Workspace, but it doesn't seem to be ignoring the files, I then tried placing two .gitignore files in each sub directory, but that didn't work either, so, my question is: How do I structure my .gitignore file to ignore the unnecessary Android Studio files from the Android Workspace folder no matter how deeply nested they are? Or do I have to place a .gitignore in each of the application's directory?

Thanks, and here's the .gitignore file I'm using (Generated by https://www.gitignore.io/):

### Android ###
# Built application files

# Files for the Dalvik VM

# Java class files

# Generated files

# Gradle files

# Local configuration file (sdk path, etc)

# Proguard folder generated by Eclipse

# Log Files


You can create a global .gitignore that will have the files/folders to be ignored in all git projects. For this, just run the following command

git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global

It will create a .gitignore_global file in your home folder that should have the files/folders to be ignored.