I am new to junit testing.
Can anyone help me , how to test my SQLiteOpenHelper
Means what classes I have to implement and how to test my db and tables. I am using Eclipse IDE.
I am new to junit testing.
Can anyone help me , how to test my SQLiteOpenHelper
Means what classes I have to implement and how to test my db and tables. I am using Eclipse IDE.
As of API Level 24, RenamingDelegatingContext
is deprecated. Another thread suggests to use Robolectric's RuntimeEnvironment.application
as described in this Medium article.
For a simple DatabaseHandler:
public class MyDatabase extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "database.db";
private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;
public MyDatabase(Context context){
super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db){
// some code
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
// some code
I created an AndroidTestCase:
public class DatabaseTest extends AndroidTestCase {
private MyDatabase db;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
RenamingDelegatingContext context = new RenamingDelegatingContext(getContext(), "test_");
db = new MyDatabase(context);
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
//According to Zainodis annotation only for legacy and not valid with gradle>1.1:
public void testAddEntry(){
// Here i have my new database wich is not connected to the standard database of the App
You can write android database test in JUnit4 style as well. You just need to add following dependency in your database
exclude group: 'com.android.support', module: 'support-annotations'
And mark you Test class as follows
public class DatabaseTest {
public void myFirstTest(){
//your test
RenamingDelegatingContext is now deprecated in v24. Use Robolectric to test. An example (in Kotlin) as below
@Config(constants = BuildConfig::class, sdk = intArrayOf(LOLLIPOP), packageName = "com.elyeproj.simpledb")
class ExampleUnitTest {
lateinit var dbHelper: DbHelper // This is your SQLOpenHelper class
fun setup() {
dbHelper = DbHelper(RuntimeEnvironment.application) // Your new context from Robolectric
dbHelper.clearDbAndRecreate() // A function just to clear and recreate DB
fun testDbInsertion() {
// Given
val testStr1 = "testing"
val testStr2 = "testing"
// When
// Then
assertEquals(dbHelper.getAllText(), "$testStr1-$testStr2-")
fun tearDown() {
dbHelper.clearDb() // A function just to clear the DB
You could get the entire project source from https://github.com/elye/demo_simpledb_test
You could get elaboration from https://medium.com/@elye.project/android-sqlite-database-unit-testing-is-easy-a09994701162#.s44tity8x
this question is very abstract. I recommend that you read the Android Testing Guide. It has some simple examples of testing Android Apps.
Android Testing Support Library
Android Testing Training
Without knowing your code, I suppose that your SQLiteOpenHelper is used by an Activity or Service. I think that this Activities/Services is that you must to test.
A good start should be ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 for an Activity or ServiceTestCase for a Service.
I hope it help.