How To Call Controller from Layout Html.Partial

2019-09-06 12:41发布


I'm working with MVC 4, engine razor. I am developing an application and the menu is dynamically created by the user's role

UPDATE In my application I need the user to enter their credentials with these recovered data on user role and build the dynamic menu for the role. My main screen is:

in my _Layout.cshtml I have this code:

@if (Request.IsAuthenticated){
    } else { 
        <div class="sectiontitle">&nbsp;</div>

I create a base controller:

public class BaseController : Controller
    public BaseController(){
        ViewBag.Menu = BuildMenu();

    private IList<Models.AdmMenu> BuildMenu()
            IList<Models.AdmMenu> mmList = new List<Models.AdmMenu>(){
            new Models.AdmMenu(){ Id = 1, Name = "Home", ParentId = 0, SortOrder = 1} ,
            new Models.AdmMenu(){ Id = 2, Name = "Admin", ParentId = 0, SortOrder = 1},
            new Models.AdmMenu(){ Id = 3, Name = "Account", ParentId = 0, SortOrder = 1},

And in my controller raLoginController.cs I have this:

public class raLoginController : BaseController{                
    public ActionResult Login(Models.AdmLogin login){
        if (ModelState.IsValid){
            Servicio.cSeReclamo Servicio = new Servicio.cSeReclamo(login.UserName, login.Password);
            if (Servicio.ValidarUsuario()){
                string Mensaje = "";
                Models.AdmUsuario oAdmUsuario = new Models.AdmUsuario();
                oAdmUsuario.Au_codusuario = login.UserName;
                Servicio.RetornaEntidad<Models.AdmUsuario>(ref Mensaje, "admsis.adm_usuario", oAdmUsuario.getPk(), oAdmUsuario);                                      
                FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(login.UserName, false);  

                var ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1,
                    LoadData(oAdmUsuario,Servicio.Pais(ref Mensaje))

                string encTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket);
                HttpCookie faCookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encTicket);

                if (ticket.IsPersistent) {
                    faCookie.Expires = ticket.Expiration;
                return RedirectToAction("index", "raMainReclamo", new { area = "Reclamos"});
        return View(login);

In Menu.cshtml (Partial View)

    List<Crd.Web.Models.AdmMenu> menuList = ViewBag.Menu;       
<div class="sectiontitle">     
<ul class="menu" id="header">  
    @foreach (var mp in menuList.Where(p => p.ParentId == 0))
        <li><a href="#">@mp.Name</a> 
        @if (menuList.Count(p => p.ParentId == mp.Id) > 0)
        @RenderMenuItem(menuList, mp)       
        @if (menuList.Count(p => p.ParentId == mp.Id) > 0)

But when I enter the credentials have the following error:

menulist is equal a null, why? I am following the code step by step, enters BaseController and execute BuildMenu method... why null? I have this message:

How to resolve this problem?


You can call a controller action by using

@Html.Action("Action", "Controller")

Your controller action can do the

Session["Menu"] == null

check and load it if necessary. Then return a partial with

return PartialView("_Partial");

The nice thing about using this approach is it will allow you to get the code of checking for Session["Menu"] out of your layout page.

I'm not exactly sure if this will help; please clarify your question further, if necessary.


There is no point to store result of Html.Partial action (which is MvcHtmlString) into Session. Just create MenuController with method e.g. CreateForRole and call:


This method should return view valid for logged role. If you do now want to re-create menu on every call (which you should - imagine your user is granted by additional roles without logging out) and you really need to persist this call, use caching with role as parameter instead.