Here is the Jython code (although this may not be a Jython-specific issue)...
file_name = "Manifest.ttl"
file_url = File(file_name).toURL()
f = File(file_url.toString())
file:/home/james/projects/wordnet/wordnet30/rdf/Manifest.ttl (No such
file or directory)
Javadoc to the rescue:
Creates a new File instance by converting the given pathname string
into an abstract pathname. If the given string is the empty string,
then the result is the empty abstract pathname.
pathname - A pathname string
The File constructor takes an abstract path name as argument, not the toString representation of a URL.
Besides, toURL
is deprecated. You might use toURI
, and reconstruct the file with this URI.
toURL() adds the file:// prefix that a proper URL/URI requires. Clearly the File constructor doesn't check and remove this prefix, so it's looking for a file called "file://..." instead of where you want it to look "/home/james/...".