Cannot get SURF example in EMGU.CV to work?

2019-09-06 11:03发布


I am trying to detect a pattern shown in two images. Hence I have been trying to use the SURF algorithim found in emgu.CV, but the "SURFFeature" example that is given gives me the following error:

    An unhandled exception of type 'Emgu.CV.Util.CvException' occurred in Emgu.CV.dll

Additional information: OpenCV: norm == NORM_L1 || norm == NORM_L2 || norm == NORM_HAMMING

Any ideas how to fix this?

When I try the "Hello World" example and the face detection example, both seem to work fine.

Thanks for any advice!


PS: Emgu.CV can be downloaded from here:


Apparently the build was messed up.

Aha, found it. The error here is in Emgu.Cv.Gpu/GpuBruteForceMatcher.cs lines 22 and 27.

Line 22 currently reads: L2Dist,

It should read: L2Dist = 4,

Line 27 currently reads: HammingDist

It should read: HammingDist = 6

Rebuild the Emgu.CV.Gpu dll with those changes and it works.

标签: emgucv