My problem is that, i cant log into the Admin area of Magento with admin account. When i create dummy accounts, they log in just fine though.
Ive tried multiple "resolutions" but none work for me or arent applicable to my situation. I also tried one on here where you had to comment out certain lines but again, no good.
This is a new installation (2nd time) on my WAMP server and i access it via
The problem i get is that when i log in, i get a "invalid login or password" even though i know its correct.
i looked at the admin_users table and my account is in there (user/pass) but the pass is under some goign to assume md5. I tried to change it manually and nothing.
i also tried the default "admin" username and "123123" pass but...the only way to log in is with an email so that didnt work.
Nothing i do works
the version im using is ver.
Any ideas /tips/changes/links etc ill gladly accept.
Thank you in advanced.