How do I change the Title Background color On Wind

2019-09-06 10:37发布


Screen Shot I am developing an application using Xamarin Forms in Visual Studio 2013. I have managed to change the Header Background color for Android but I am failing to do the same for Windows project. It comes with the Default Dark theme. Please Assist me. Thank You


NavigationPage.BarBackgroundColorProperty Works! Thank You for your suggestions.


Your question is not very clear to me, but I think that this is what you mean. With "Header Background color" I think you mean the background color of the title of a page.

This is the code I use in my Xamarin.Forms application. The code works on Android, iOS and UWP.

public class ExamplePage : ContentPage
    public ExamplePage()
        Title = "Example Page";
        BackgroundColor = Color.Blue; //Make this any color you like

        Content = null; //put your own content here

You can specify the color of the background color on every page.


            <OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="Color"