I'm trying to connect to a Zend-PHP service within a pure ActionScript program. I've managed to use the service successfully using Flex. (But Flex mobile apps are bloated, and typically 10x bigger than pure ActionScript apps - which is why I'm trying to write it in Pure Actionscript).
I'm trying to access the PHP/Zend service that I downloaded, and used in the following tutorial:-
The PHP code that I'm connecting to is available as a download from this site - as well as instructions about how to use it in Flex.
And this is what I've written in ActionScript:-
protected var _netConnection:NetConnection;
protected var _responder:Responder;
_netConnection = new NetConnection();
_responder = new Responder(complete, errorFn);
_netConnection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, errorFn);
_netConnection.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, errorFn);
_netConnection.call("EmployeeService.getEmployeesSummary", _responder);
public function complete(result:Object):void {
When I run this, it fails silently. No callbacks. If I change the parameters of the connect or call method, the errorFn callbacks work - (I've tried lots things) - I can get NetConnection.Call.BadVersion, or NetConnection.Call.Failed. But I've never managed to get the complete method called back.
Any suggestions?