Assume I have a data table containing some baseball players:
bdt <-
For each player (given by id), I want to find the row corresponding to the year in which they played the most games. This is straightforward in plyr:
ddply(baseball, "id", subset, g == max(g))
What's the equivalent code for data.table?
I tried:
setkey(bdt, "id")
bdt[g == max(g)] # only one row
bdt[g == max(g), by = id] # Error: 'by' or 'keyby' is supplied but not j
bdt[, .SD[g == max(g)]] # only one row
This works:
bdt[, .SD[g == max(g)], by = id]
But it's is only 30% faster than plyr, suggesting it's probably not idiomatic.