I'd like to start using vimscript to automate some more complicated parts of my workflow. I'm looking for a concrete advanced example to get me started. How would you vim guru's implement the following?
I'm in an empty buffer for a file located at lib/foo/bar/buz.rb
. I want to use my file context + a binding to insert the following into the buffer:
module Foo
module Bar
class Buz
What's the vim function look like?
Bonus: Vim function to update class definition to reflect current location
I think this example will take my vim scripting to the next level. Thanks!
This is ultimately what I came up with.
" Generates a ruby class definition based on the current file's path
function! GenerateRubyClassDefinition()
" parse file path
let l:path = expand("%:.:r")
let l:path = substitute(l:path, "lib/", "", "")
let l:parts = split(l:path, "/")
" extract parts
let l:class_name = l:parts[-1]
let l:module_names = l:parts[0:-2]
" generate
let l:output = ""
" generate - module headers
for m in l:module_names
let l:output .= "module " . g:Abolish.mixedcase(m) . "\n"
" generate - class
let l:output .= "\n"
let l:output .= " class " . g:Abolish.mixedcase(class_name) . "\n"
let l:output .= " end\n"
let l:output .= "\n"
" generate - module footers
for m in l:module_names
let l:output .= "end\n"
echo l:output
The above snippet assumes you have tpope's vim-abolish plugin installed. This helps with the transformation of snakecase file paths into mixedcase object names.
Sourcing the above and calling :GenerateRubyClassDefinition()
from an open file buffer will echo the target output.