I'm using the Ionic framework and build.phonegap to build an application for Android and IOS and having a bit of trouble with the process of adding splash screens to the application.
There are quite a few tutorials to create splash screens after running "ionic build android" or "cordova build android" and then adding the splash screens, but I would like to use ONLY the www folder inside of ionic and push it through phonegap build.
Is there a way / directory I can add the splash screen images to and reference them through config.xml? Then upload the whole www folder to build.phonegap.
Some guidance would be appreciated.
With Phonegap Build, you can put the splash screens pretty much anywhere you want, as long as you reference them in the config.xml.
For example, with Android:
<gap:splash src="splash.png" />
<gap:splash src="images/splash/splash-portrait-320x480.png" gap:platform="android" gap:density="ldpi" />
<gap:splash src="images/splash/splash-portrait-640x960.png" gap:platform="android" gap:density="mdpi" />
<gap:splash src="images/splash/splash-portrait-640x1136.png" gap:platform="android" gap:density="hdpi" />
<gap:splash src="images/splash/splash-portrait-1536x2008.png" gap:platform="android" gap:density="xhdpi" />
<gap:splash src="images/splash/splash-portrait-1536x2008.png" gap:platform="android" gap:density="xxhdpi" />
Notice you must have a default splash.png and it MUST be in the ROOT (WWW, whereever your config file is).
See also their documentation: http://docs.build.phonegap.com/en_US/configuring_icons_and_splash.md.html#Icons%20and%20Splash%20Screens