
Increasing paper height per iteration using printd

2019-09-06 08:35发布


i m using printdocument for a printout. i want to increment the size of the paper after each row is added. I found a similar question here and here. But the solution doesnot work. I m using a Component class to override the base method of Printdocument and I m setting the page size in OnBeginPrint event

int pageHt = 288, pageWt = 314;
protected override void OnBeginPrint(System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs e)
            // Run base code
            base.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = new PaperSize("Custom", pageWt, pageHt);
            base.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = false;

Then for each iteration i m trying to increase the paper height

base.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Height += 22;

But the paper height does not increment. Help appreciated. Thanx.


I found the answer to this question after struggling for 2 days. It was pretty simple

public void PrintEstimate(PrintPageEventArgs e)
  e.PageSettings.PaperSize = new PaperSize("Custom", pageWt, pageHt);//initialize the height and width of the page
  foreach(.. )
    /* ...
     Write the loop here
     e.PageSettings.PaperSize.Height = e.PageSettings.PaperSize.Height + 22;// foreach iteration, increment the page height.