Is this possible to write the query result to the file from mongo js script. I have searched a lot, but I didn't find any solution.
cursor = db.users.find();
while(cursor.hasNext()) {;
// writing the cursor output to file ????<br/>
You could use print and then redirect output:
cursor = db.users.find();
then run the script and redirect output to a file:
mongo --quiet script.js > result.txt paragraph "Differences between scripted and interactive/ Printing".
./mongo --quiet --eval "db.users.find().forEach(printjson);" > 1.txt
You can skip the while loop using forEach()
Wouldn't it be simpler to use one of the Mongo drivers for a general purpose language (such as Python, Ruby, Java, etc) and write your results to a file that way, in a format you can use (such as CSV, etc.)?
UPDATE: According to the documentation for mongodump you can export a collection with a query:
$ ./mongodump --db blog --collection posts
-q '{"created_at" : { "$gte" : {"$date" : 1293868800000},
"$lt" : {"$date" : 1296460800000}
However you would need to import that collection back into MongoDB to operate on it or use mongoexport to export as JSON or CSV using the same query flag (-q
) as mongodump
Whenever I need to write the result of a mongo query to a local file I generally use the the writeFile(pathToFile, stringContents)
Example: let's say that you quickly need to find the email of all registered users and send it to your buddy Jim in the marketing department.
$ mongo mongodb://my-fancy-mongo-server --ssl -u fancy_username -p fancy_password
successfully connected to my-fancy-mongo-server!
> emails = db.users.distinct('email_address')
> writeFile("jims_email_list.json", tojson(emails))
or if Jim expect's a CSV file then
$ mongo mongodb://my-fancy-mongo-server --ssl -u fancy_username -p fancy_password
successfully connected to my-fancy-mongo-server!
> emails = db.users.distinct('email_address')
> writeFile("jims_email_list.csv", emails.join("\n"))
You can now send Jim the list of emails and save the day!
To important things to notice about the writeFile
- The second argument must be a string.
- The first argument must be a file that doesn't already exist, otherwise you will get an error.
For distinct you have to create script.js file with contents:
mongo = new Mongo("localhost");
doctor = mongo.getDB("doctor");
users = doctor.getCollection("users");
cities = users.distinct("");
then in console run:
mongo --quiet script.js > result.txt