I'm working on an IMAP email script and I have some lines coded in GB2312 (which I assume is Chinese encoding), looks like this =?GB2312?B?foobarbazetc
How can I start working with this string? I checked mb_list_encodings()
and this one is not listed.
If you have the base64-decoded data, then use mbstring or iconv. If you have the raw header, then mbstring.
$t = "\xc4\xe3\xba\xc3\n";
echo iconv('GB2312', 'UTF-8', $t);
echo mb_convert_encoding($t, 'UTF-8', 'GB2312');
echo mb_decode_mimeheader("=?gb2312?b?xOO6ww==?=");
Ignacio solved the meat of the problem with mb_decode_mimeheader()
but for future reference these links are also helpful:
- http://developer.loftdigital.com/blog/php-utf-8-cheatsheet
- http://www.herongyang.com/PHP-Chinese/PHP-UTF-8-Chinese-String-Literals.html
The specific header string I was working with:
$subject = "=?GB2312?B?tPC4tDogUXVvdGF0aW9uIFBJSSBwcm9kdWN0cyA=?= =?GB2312?B?Rk9CIFNoYW5naGFpIG9yIE5pbmdibyBwb3J0?="
This required a page header of
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
and PHP
echo mb_decode_mimeheader($subject)."<br />";
to output
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