Querying private database in swift for user detail

2019-09-06 07:21发布


I'm trying to save and store the user's data, then retrieve it and check for a value, pushing the corresponding view controller.

However, despite only having 4 user records in my cloudkit dashboard, i'm getting 33 results, forcing me to change my code and preventing it from working.

This was my original code:

    let container = CKContainer.defaultContainer()
    let privateDB = container.privateCloudDatabase
    let resultPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "TRUEPREDICATE")
    let query = CKQuery(recordType: "UserData", predicate: resultPredicate)
    query.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(key: "MODIFIED", ascending: false)]

    privateDB.performQuery(query, inZoneWithID: nil) { (results, error) -> Void in

        if error != nil {

       for record in results! {

                self.weight = record["weight"] as? Int
                self.height = record["height"] as? Int
                self.age = record["age"] as? Int
                self.gender = record["genderFemale"] as? Int

                if self.weight == nil {
                    print("push weightVC")
                    let weightVC = WeightViewController()
                    self.navigationController?.pushViewController(weightVC, animated: false)

                else if self.height == nil {
                    print("push heightVC")
                    let heightVC = HeightViewController()
                    self.navigationController?.pushViewController(heightVC, animated: false)

                else if self.age == nil {
                    print("push ageVC")
                    let ageVC = DOBViewController()
                    self.navigationController?.pushViewController(ageVC, animated: false)

                else if self.gender == nil{
                    print("push genderVC")
                    let genderVC = GenderViewController()
                    self.navigationController?.pushViewController(genderVC, animated: false)
                    let planVC = PlanOriginViewController()
                    self.navigationController?.pushViewController(planVC, animated: false)

I was forced to change it to this:

      privateDB.performQuery(query, inZoneWithID: nil) { (results, error) -> Void in

        if error != nil {


            for record in results! {

                self.weight = record["weight"] as? Int
                self.height = record["height"] as? Int
                self.age = record["age"] as? Int
                self.gender = record["genderFemale"] as? Int

                print("record added")



    if arrayOfUserData != nil{
    let ckRecord = arrayOfUserData![0]

    self.weight = ckRecord["weight"] as? Int
    self.height = ckRecord["height"] as? Int
    self.age = ckRecord["age"] as? Int
    self.gender = ckRecord["genderFemale"] as? Int

    if self.weight == nil {
        print("push weightVC")
        let weightVC = WeightViewController()
        self.navigationController?.pushViewController(weightVC, animated: false)

    else if self.height == nil {
        print("push heightVC")
        let heightVC = HeightViewController()
        self.navigationController?.pushViewController(heightVC, animated: false)

    else if self.age == nil {
        print("push ageVC")
        let ageVC = DOBViewController()
        self.navigationController?.pushViewController(ageVC, animated: false)

    else if self.gender == nil{
        print("push genderVC")
        let genderVC = GenderViewController()
        self.navigationController?.pushViewController(genderVC, animated: false)
        let planVC = PlanOriginViewController()
        self.navigationController?.pushViewController(planVC, animated: false)

    } else {


However, this doesn't work as well. XCode is skipping over the privateDB query block and going straight to the line print(arrayOfUserData), before returning to the privateDB query.



You issue is that you are assuming that your file is single threaded. What you want it to evaluate What fields are not filled in once you have received a results from the database query. What you need is a completion block. This lets you query the data base and then evaluate the results after. I would do something around these lines.

first add a completion handler that gives you a user object back. I assume you have a user defined should look something like this

struct User{

add your completion handler in your Query Method.

privateDB.performQuery(query, inZoneWithID: nil, completion:([User])) { (results, error) -> Void in

   let resutltData = results.value as [String:AnyObject] ?? [:]
       let users : [User] = resutltData.flatMap { record in
            let weight = record["weight"] as? Int ?? ""
            let height = record["height"] as? Int ?? ""
            let age = record["age"] as? Int ?? ""
            let gender = record["gender"] as? String ?? ""

now when you call privateDB.performQuery you should save it in a variable and preform your checks there. Something like this:

func ProcessUsers(){
    let users = privateDB.performQuery(query, inZoneWithID: nil, completion:{ (User) in 
    self.user = User
    switch user{
        case .weight:
            if .weight == "" {
                print("push weightVC")
                let weightVC = WeightViewController()
                self.navigationController?.pushViewController(weightVC, animated: false) } else {

        case .height:
            if .height == "" {
                print("push heightVC")
                let heightVC = heightViewController()
                self.navigationController?.pushViewController(heightVC, animated: false) } else {
        case .age:
            if .age == "" {
                print("push ageVC")
                let ageVC = ageViewController()
                self.navigationController?.pushViewController(ageVC, animated: false) } else {
        case .gender:
            if .gender == "" {
                print("push genderVC")
                let genderVC = genderViewController()
                self.navigationController?.pushViewController(genderVC, animated: false) } else {

Let me know if you have any more questions about this. I hope it helps.