Retrieving data from Quandl with Python

2019-09-06 07:22发布


How can I get the latest prices from a Quandl dataset with the Python API ( On, it says "You can use rows=n to get only the first n rows of your dataset. Use rows=1 to get the latest observation for any dataset." but if i use rows=1 I will get the first observation instead of the latest.

Besides, I need to get exchange rates for USD but from it seems that I need to retrieve the exchange rates for each currency instead of just having a dataset with all the most recent exchange rates for each currency versus USD. Isn't this possible?


import Quandl

You first need to sort the dataset in descending order to get the most recent value:

Quandl.get("FRED/DEXUSEU", rows=1, sort_order='desc')
2015-05-15  1.1428

You also need to request the exchange rate separately for each currency:

fred_rates = pd.DataFrame({'Currency': {'DEXBZUS': 'Brazilian Real (BRL)',
                                        'DEXCAUS': 'Canadaian Dollar (CAD)',
                                        'DEXCHUS': 'Chinese Yuan (CNY))',
                                        'DEXDNUS': 'Denish Krone (DKK)',
                                        'DEXHKUS': 'Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)',
                                        'DEXINUS': 'Indian Rupee (INR)',
                                        'DEXJPUS': 'Japanese Yen (JPY)',
                                        'DEXKOUS': 'South Korean Won (KRW)',
                                        'DEXMAUS': 'Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)',
                                        'DEXMXUS': 'Mexican Peso (MXN)',
                                        'DEXNOUS': 'Norwegian Krone(NOK)',
                                        'DEXSDUS': 'Swedish Krona (SEK)',
                                        'DEXSFUS': 'South African Rand(ZAR)',
                                        'DEXSIUS': 'Singapore Dollar (SGD)',
                                        'DEXSLUS': 'Sri Lankan Rupee(LKR)',
                                        'DEXSZUS': 'Swiss Franc (CHF)',
                                        'DEXTAUS': 'New Taiwan Dollar (TWD)',
                                        'DEXTHUS': 'Thai Baht (THB)',
                                        'DEXUSAL': 'Australian Dollar (AUD)',
                                        'DEXUSEU': 'Euro (EUR)',
                                        'DEXUSNZ': 'New Zealand Dollar (NZD)',
                                        'DEXUSUK': 'British Pound (GBP)',
                                        'DEXVZUS': 'Venezuelan Bolivar (VEF)'}})
fred_rates['symbol'] = x: x[-4:-1])

rates = [Quandl.get("FRED/{0}".format(fx)) for fx in fred_rates.index]
fx_rates = pd.concat(rates, axis=1)
fx_rates.columns = [fx for fx in fred_rates.symbol]

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 11168 entries, 1971-01-04 to 2015-05-15
Data columns (total 23 columns):
AUD    11130 non-null float64
BRL    5120 non-null float64
GBP    11137 non-null float64
CAD    11143 non-null float64
NY)    8577 non-null float64
DKK    11145 non-null float64
EUR    4116 non-null float64
HKD    8637 non-null float64
INR    10629 non-null float64
JPY    11131 non-null float64
MYR    11115 non-null float64
MXN    5405 non-null float64
TWD    7650 non-null float64
NZD    11121 non-null float64
NOK    11136 non-null float64
SGD    8636 non-null float64
ZAR    11110 non-null float64
KRW    8523 non-null float64
LKR    10277 non-null float64
SEK    11136 non-null float64
CHF    11137 non-null float64
THB    8556 non-null float64
VEF    5114 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(23)
memory usage: 2.0 MB

>>> fx_rates.tail()
               AUD     BRL     GBP     CAD     NY)  DKK     EUR     HKD  Date                                                                      
2015-05-11  0.7899  3.0385  1.5593  1.2107  6.2086  NaN  1.1142  7.7535   
2015-05-12  0.7989  3.0223  1.5685  1.1987  6.2086  NaN  1.1240  7.7528   
2015-05-13  0.8118  3.0265  1.5748  1.1950  6.2043  NaN  1.1372  7.7517   
2015-05-14  0.8082  2.9910  1.5766  1.1991  6.2013  NaN  1.1368  7.7505   
2015-05-15  0.8053  2.9779  1.5772  1.2009  6.2051  NaN  1.1428  7.7505   

              INR     JPY   ...       NZD     NOK     SGD      ZAR      KRW  Date                        ...                                               
2015-05-11  63.96  120.05   ...    0.7350  7.5605  1.3361  12.0820  1095.39   
2015-05-12  64.19  119.80   ...    0.7377  7.4720  1.3336  12.0430  1093.81   
2015-05-13  63.88  119.09   ...    0.7488  7.3597  1.3239  11.8760  1089.72   
2015-05-14  63.47  119.20   ...    0.7500  7.3829  1.3199  11.8220  1089.46   
2015-05-15  63.36  119.36   ...    0.7489  7.3113  1.3195  11.7645  1083.05   

              LKR     SEK     CHF    THB     VEF  
2015-05-11  133.3  8.2950  0.9344  33.71  6.2842  
2015-05-12  133.5  8.3022  0.9266  33.70  6.2842  
2015-05-13  133.5  8.2085  0.9162  33.51  6.2842  
2015-05-14  133.4  8.2531  0.9146  33.50  6.2842  
2015-05-15  133.4  8.2174  0.9174  33.48  6.2842  

[5 rows x 23 columns]

标签: python quandl