
Testrpc error: 'no loggers could be found for

2019-09-06 06:18发布


I'm trying to run truffle init and get the sample contract running. I run 'truffle init', 'truffle compile', & 'truffle migrate'. In a separate terminal window (same directory as the project), I run testrpc with no errors--I get the 10 hashes I'm supposed to get. So,

In testrpc, this is the output when I run 'truffle migrate': Listening on localhost:8545 - - [2016-12-07 20:44:14] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 718 0.001816 No handlers could be found for logger "jsonrpc.manager".

Could there be other network connections interfering? I currently don't have any others running that I know of. On a Mac, 10.12.1.

Thanks everyone.


to /bin/testrpc or /usr/local/bin/testrpc (wherever you have testrpc installed) add the following lines:

import logging


This will give you actual logging output and show you what you need to fix. In my case, it was a gas-related error.