I have a script which retrieves a new member registration from a form and add his email to a google group. I am using the AdminDirectory.Members.insert(NewMember, groupEmail) method. before calling the method I wish to check if the member email already exists in the group. for that I do a DO loop on: page = AdminDirectory.Members.list(groupEmail,{ domain: groupDomainName, orderBy: 'Email', maxResults: 200, pageToken: pageToken }); the problem with this method is that it does not retrieve data about email aliases, and so, after not finding a match on the new member email and trying to add his email to the group, I get an error that the member already exists. manual check using Google Groups Admin Console shows that the member was once registered with a different email and somehow, google recognizes the new email but not showing it on the members list, does not come up in members' search and also not shows up using AdminDirectory.Members.list.
Any ideas?