I have an app built using XCode 7.3 and it works fine with iOS 10.
But, the NSLog() statements that I had used for debugging earlier aren't showing up.
I could see them earlier inside apple configurator and now all I can see are so many kernel process messages.
The same is still working when I test an iOS 9.x device.
Kindly, update if this is resolved or is there any workaround.
If you have use XCode 8 then solution is below...
Goto -> Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme -> Run -> Arguments -> Environment Variables
In the Environment Variables: Perhaps you once added the Name "OS_ACTIVITY_MODE" and the Value "disable" and check it. But this way can lead to the Console cannot NSLog when the real iPhone debugging.
I solve it in this way: Only add "OS_ACTIVITY_MODE" and check it(Don't add the Value)
You can also see in below image
For XCode 7 You don't have any solution.
Alternative for this problem: I can't see NSLog output in real iOS 10 device neither. If you're using real devices, you can open Devices window from Xcode (Shift + Command + 2) and see device logs there, but it's hard to look at your app's logs because the console shows logs from system and all apps.
NOTE: If you check the Xcode 8 beta release notes, you'll find that it says: When debugging an app running on Simulator, logs may not be visible in the console. Workaround: Use command + / in Simulator.app to open the system log in the Console app to view NSLogs. (26457535)