Is there a way to check if a user agent supports drag & drop of a particular element (div, tr,...)?
I've got a table with draggable table rows, which works fine in Chrome. But since Internet Explorer (up to version 9) only supports dragging of images and links (and a few others), I wanted to give it a little anchor drag handle inside the table row instead. My code looks something like this:
<tr draggable="true">
<td><a class="drag-handle"></a> Hello World</td>
$('tr[draggable]').each(function() {
// Remove draggable="true" from <tr>
$(this).attr('draggable', '');
// Add draggable="true" to <a class="drag-handle">
$(this).find('.drag-handle').attr('draggable', 'true');
Obviously, there is a lot more to do to actually make this work, but you get the gist: giving the user a drag thingy if their client doesn't support dragging of a (IE<10).
Now i want to do the replacement only if the user's client doesn't support dragging of table rows. Is there any known feature detection for that?