#define TABLE_SIZE 100489 // must be a power of 2
typedef map<string,int> MAP_TYPE;
typedef pair<string, int> PAIR_TYPE;
class HashTable
public: //public functions
int find(string);
bool insert(string, int);
int hash( const char* );
vector< MAP_TYPE > v;
//HashTable constructor
vector< MAP_TYPE > v; //initialize vector of maps
v.reserve(TABLE_SIZE); //reserve table size
for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; ++i) //fill vector with empty maps
cout << v.size();
int HashTable::find(string key)
cout << "in find" << '\n';
//String to const char* for hash function
const char *c = key.c_str();
//find bucket where key is located
int hashValue = HashTable::hash(c);
cout << hashValue << '\n';
string s = key;
cout << v.size(); //Prints 0 but should be TABLE_SIZE
//look for key in map in bucket
MAP_TYPE::const_iterator iter = v[hashValue].find(s);
if ( iter != v[hashValue].end()) //check if find exists
return iter->second; //return value of key
return -1; //arbitrary value signifying failure to find key
int main()
HashTable my_hash;
string s = "hi";
int z = my_hash.find(s);
cout << z; //should return -1
return 0;
I'm testing out the find function my hash table but it is returning a segmentation fault. Even though I constructed vector v with the right size in the find function the size is now 0? I don't think it's accessing the same variable. The hash function is fine. What's wrong?