Couple of years using this site is as an invaluable resource, but first time posting.
I am having a little trouble with external data connections in Excel, specifically connecting to SQL Server through Microsoft Query.
Whenever I click
[Get External Data >
From Other Sources >
From Microsoft Query >
Choose Data Source: SQL Server]
it takes about 20 seconds before an error pops up:
Error 18452 Login Failed Untrusted Domain
After I click OK a SQL Server Login dialog box pops up with "Use Trusted Connection" pre-checked. Each time I create a new data connection in Excel (I do this dozens of times per project), I have to uncheck that box and enter a login ID/pw instead for it to work. Add all those 20 seconds up and it's actually a pretty big annoyance for the type of work I do.
My question: how do I change the connection properties to where "Use Trusted Connection" is unchecked by default and the Login ID and Password fields are pre-filled?
Here is what the connection string portion of the HTML code looks like when I right-click the appropriate .odc file in [Documents > My Data Sources] and click 'edit in notepad':
<odc:ConnectionString>Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xx_xxxxxx;Password=xxxxxxxx;Data Source=XX.XX.XX.XX;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=XXXXXXX;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False;Initial Catalog=Data_Warehouse</odc:ConnectionString>
I did look through the archives and found a few related discussions but none that addressed this question specifically. Thanks for your help. Please excuse any incorrect use of syntax and I hope I explained things clearly enough for a newbie.