Angular removing / from strings within Directive -

2019-09-06 04:24发布


I'm having an issue (just learning Angular) with a string having any / removed and replaced with ="".

I have a directive that takes it's element and then wraps it with a div and provides some styling to the div - namely a background-url - it is the URL that is being replaced with something else.

It may be a little odd - what I am actually trying to do here - and that's ok; i'm just trying to learn a little more about Angular and simple manipulation of elements seems a good place to tinker..

Here is what I have:

HTML - notice the set-background attribute on the image.

<div id="home">
        <img src="~/Content/Images/Site/home-background.jpg" set-background />

Angular directive

dwApp.directive('setBackground', function () {

    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        scope: {},
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {

            var bgImg = 'style="background-image:url("' + attrs.src + '");'           
            element.wrap('<div class="backgroundCoverContainer" ' + bgImg + '></div>');


Resulting HTML - notice the background-url

<div id="home">
        <div class="backgroundCoverContainer" style="background-image:url(" content="" images="" site="" home-background.jpg");=""></div>

If I console.log(bgImg) I get:


Clearly, the background-image isn't actually being rendered like that though...

any ideas?


Ok, so i'm an ass....

Charlietfl's comment put me in the right direction - thanks.

I was simply missing the closing " to the style..


var bgImg = 'style="background-image:url("' + attrs.src + '");'

When it should have been - notice the last "

var bgImg = 'style="background-image:url(' + attrs.src + ');"'


var bgImg = 'style="background-image:url(\'' + attrs.src + '\');"'

Giving me the directive more like this - also removed the element.addClass - seeing as I was removing it anyway.... :D

dwApp.directive('setBackground', function () {

return {
    restrict: 'A',
    scope: {},
    link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
        var bgImg = 'style="background-image:url(\'' + attrs.src + '\');"'
        element.wrap('<div class="backgroundCover" ' + bgImg + '></div>');