I want to create a sheet that uses drop downs and fills in some blank spaces based on selection.
Let's say the drop down has Apple, Banana, Cucumber, and Pear. When I create the tables for each one, I have additional information for each one. A1 is the finding word (vlookup) and the other 3 in this case are additional pieces of information.
A1: Apple
A2: Made in USA
A3: Red
A4: Round
On Sheet1, I have a drop down. When I choose Apple on A20, I'd like to fill in A21, A22, A23 with the descriptions as above. So when choosing Apple, it fills it in. If I chose Banana, it could have different variables with it depending on what I put under Banana.
I'm familiar with IF statement, but it seems like it would be too many variables. I have 15 "fruits" to choose from and each one may contain something different to fill in those spaces.
Would this be a possibility?