I have 2 macros I need to run in Firefox. They both run perfectly as iim's but I need to get them to run together
Macro1: It reads a text file with a number of links on it, loads the link, and moves on to the next
var macro1 = "CODE:";
macro1 += "VERSION BUILD=8300326 RECORDER=FX" + "\n";
macro1 += "" + "\n";
macro1 += "SET !DATASOURCE C:\\Users\\user1\\Documents\\REPORT_LINK_EXT_OBG.TXT" + "\n";
macro1 += "SET !DATASOURCE_LINE {{!LOOP}}" + "\n";
macro1 += "URL GOTO={{!COL1}}" + "\n";
Macro2: Extracts links for each page that macro1 opens. Problem is, there can be anywhere from 1 to 50 links that macro 2 needs to extract before macro1 moves on again.
var macro2 = "CODE:";
macro2 += "VERSION BUILD=7500718 RECORDER=FX" + "\n";
macro2 += "SET !TIMEOUT_TAG 2" + "\n";
macro2 += "SET !LOOP 2" + "\n";
macro2 += "SET !EXTRACT_TEST_POPUP NO" + "\n";
macro2 += "TAG POS={{!LOOP}} TYPE=A ATTR=HREF:*WeldDataLog.aspx?* EXTRACT=HREF" + "\n";
macro2 += "TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=NAME:aspnetForm ATTR=ID:ctl00_Main_ucReportHeader_pnlView_txtReportNumber EXTRACT=TXT" + "\n";
macro2 += "'----------------------------------\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/----Change this" + "\n";
macro2 += "SAVEAS TYPE=EXTRACT FOLDER=C:\\Users\\user1\\Documents FILE=LINK_EXT3test.TXT" + "\n";
I essentially need
Do macro1 Do macro2 Loop Loop
Can anyone help me get these 2 macros to work with instead of against each other?