Everything seems to be in the right place but apparently not. Here is a gists with the error information in the gists description.
Here is what the trace begins with:
Started GET "/studios/new" for at 2013-12-08 13:52:41 -0600
Processing by StudiosController#new as HTML
Completed 404 Not Found in 1ms
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound - Couldn't find Studio without an ID:
Change your before_filter in your StudiosController to
before_action :set_studio, except: [:index, :new, :create]
Change your show action to
def show
Change your new action to
def new
@studio = Studio.new
There is
before_action :set_studio
in your StudiosController. params[:id]
seems to be nil
here and it can't find Studio with nil
id. You should probably add only
or except
parameter to your before actions.
Another strange thing is
@studio = Studio.new(params[:id])
in StudiosController#new. It should be just
@studio = Studio.new
isn't it?