Is there any way to see when several placemarks superimposed on the same positions?
As the figure below, Google Earth, we have a way to see it. Thank you.
Is there any way to see when several placemarks superimposed on the same positions?
As the figure below, Google Earth, we have a way to see it. Thank you.
Yes, you can use your imagination and make a custom cluster. See this plunker demo, I use the following function to create a cluster like:
var displayOverlapping = function(pixel) {
var f = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(pixel, function(ft, l) {
return ft;
if (f && f.get('type') == 'cluster') {
if(f.get('expanded') === true) return;
var geom = f.getGeometry(),
coord = geom.getCoordinates(),
px = map.getPixelFromCoordinate(coord),
extent = [coord[0], coord[1], coord[0], coord[1]],
ar_features = [];
sourceFeatures.forEachFeatureInExtent(extent, function(ft){
if(ft.get('type') == 'click') ar_features.push(ft);
var angle = (100 / ar_features.length) * 3.6;
f.set('expanded', true);
ar_features.forEach(function(row, index){
var angle2 = index * angle,
px_end = rotate(px[0], px[1], angle2, 30),
cd_end = map.getCoordinateFromPixel(px_end);
new ol.geom.LineString([coord, cd_end])
row.setGeometry(new ol.geom.Point(cd_end));
The function is triggered on pointermove