Using objective-git and libgit2 it has been fairly easy to stage a file ready for commit:
GTIndex *repoIndex = [self.repository indexWithError:&error];
[repoIndex removeFile:path error:&error];
if (status != GTFileStatusIgnored && status != GTFileStatusWorkingDeleted) {
// Now add the file to the index
[repoIndex addFile:path error:&error];
[repoIndex write:&error];
However un-staging a file is proving to be a tad more tricky. Simply removing it from the repository's index doesn't work as git then thinks the file has been deleted which makes sense. It seems what I need to do is change the index entry in the index to the one it was before it was staged.
I have tried doing the following, using diff to get the old diff delta and constructing a git_index_entry
from that and inserting it:
GTIndex *repoIndex = [self.repository indexWithError:&error];
GTBranch *localBranch = [self.repository currentBranchWithError:&error];
GTCommit *localCommit = [localBranch targetCommitAndReturnError:&error];
GTDiff *indexCommitDiff = [GTDiff diffIndexFromTree:localCommit.tree inRepository:self.repository options:nil error:&error];
// Enumerate through the diff deltas until we get to the file we want to unstage
[indexCommitDiff enumerateDeltasUsingBlock:^(GTDiffDelta *delta, BOOL *stop) {
NSString *deltaPath = delta.newFile.path;
// Check if it matches the path we want to usntage
if ([deltaPath isEqualToString:path]) {
GTDiffFile *oldFile = delta.oldFile;
NSString *oldFileSHA = oldFile.OID.SHA;
git_oid oldFileOID;
int status = git_oid_fromstr(&oldFileOID, oldFileSHA.fileSystemRepresentation);
git_index_entry entry;
entry.mode = oldFile.mode;
entry.oid = oldFileOID;
entry.path = oldFile.path.fileSystemRepresentation;
[repoIndex removeFile:path error:&error];
status = git_index_add(repoIndex.git_index, &entry);
[repoIndex write:&error];
However this leaves the git index in a corrupt state resulting in any git command logging a fatal error:
fatal: Unknown index entry format bfff0000
fatal: Unknown index entry format bfff0000
What is the correct way to un-stage a file using libgit2?