I'm trying to invoke the I2CTransfer
function below, and immediately getting a System.NotSupportedException
. I suspect my marshalling is wrong, but cannot work out the problem.
Here are the C structures:
BOOL I2CTransfer(HANDLE hDev, PI2C_TRANSFER_BLOCK pI2CTransferBlock);
typedef struct {
I2C_PACKET *pI2CPackets;
INT32 iNumPackets;
typedef struct {
BYTE byAddr;
PBYTE pbyBuf;
WORD wLen;
LPINT lpiResult;
And here are the c# structures I'm attempting:
[DllImport("i2csdk.dll", EntryPoint = "I2CTransfer")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool I2CTransfer(IntPtr hI2C,ref I2C_TRANSFER_BLOCK pI2CTransferBlock);
public struct I2C_TRANSFER_BLOCK
public I2C_PACKET[] pI2CPackets;
public int iNumPackets;
public struct I2C_PACKET
public byte byAddr;
public byte byRW;
public byte[] pbyBuf;
public UInt16 wLen;
public IntPtr lpiResult;
Calling code:
I2C_PACKET packet = new I2C_PACKET();
int result;
IntPtr resultPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
//Populating data...
byte[] pBuf = new byte[1 + pbData.Length];
pBuf[0] = (byte) ((regStart & 0x7F) << 1);
Array.Copy(pbData, 0, pBuf, 1, pbData.Length);
// Fill packet for register write
packet.pbyBuf = pBuf;
packet.wLen = (ushort) pBuf.Length;
packet.byRW = NativeConstants.I2C_RW_WRITE;
packet.byAddr = address;
packet.lpiResult = resultPtr;
// Fill transfer block
i2CTransferBlock.pI2CPackets = new I2C_PACKET[] {packet};
i2CTransferBlock.iNumPackets = 1;
// NotSupportedException here
bool brc = I2CTransfer(port, ref i2CTransferBlock);
The arrays are initialized in C# before calling the method.
I've tried adding
to the arrays (pI2cPackets, and pbyBuf) to no avail.
This is on Windows CE - compact framework, .NET 3.5.
Is there something obviously wrong with the above translation?
Many thanks in advance.