I'm using PDT and Aptana on Eclipse Indigo with PHP 5.3 and I want to create a singleton in a class.
By singleton, I mean I want to just have one instance of that object, and for other objects or classes to get that single instance via a function that returns that object (so this would mean I'm trying to create an object within the class that defines that object, ie: creating objA within the class objA)
I understand you can't just go a head and do this:
public $object = new Object();
with in a class definition, you have to define it in the constructor.
How can I go ahead and do this? I'm coming from Java, so it could be I'm confusing some basic stuff. Any help is greatly appreciated. Here's the code:
class Fetcher{
private static $fetcher = new Fetcher(); //this is where I get the unexpected "new" error
static function getFetcherInstance(){
return $this->$fetcher;
Solved! Thanks for all the help guys!
try this:
class myclass{
private static $_instance = null;
public static function getInstance() {
if (self::$_instance === null) {
self::$_instance = new myclass();
return self::$_instance;
and call it with:
$obj = myclass::getInstace();
You cannot assign a class property in PHP like that. It must be a scalar, or array value, or the property must be set in a method call.
protected static $fetcher;
static function getFetcherInstance(){
if (!self::$fetcher) {
self::$fetcher = new Fetcher();
return self::$fetcher;
Also, notice that I did not use $this->
, as that only works for object instances. To work with static values you need to use self::
when working within the class scope.
You might want to just read common design patterns on the php site. There are pretty good examples with good documentation:
Else, a singleton is simply a method that returns one single instance of itself:
class MySingletonClass {
private static $mySingleton;
public function getInstance(){
if(MySingletonClass::$mySingleton == NULL){
MySingletonClass::$mySingleton = new MySingletonClass();
return MySingletonClass::$mySingleton;
Building on @periklis answer you might want separate singletons for different application scopes. For example, lets say you want a singleton of a database connection - fine. But what if you have TWO databases you need to connect too?
class Singleton
private static $instances = array();
public static function getInstance($name = 'default')
if ( ! isset(static::$instances[$name]))
static::$instances[$name] = new static();
return static::$instances[$name];
Class DB extends Singleton {}
$db_one = DB::getInstance('mysql');
$db_two = DB::getInstance('pgsql');
Alse define __clone
class Fetcher {
protected static $instance;
private function __construct() {
/* something */
public static function getInstance() {
if (self::$instance === null) {
self::$instance = new Fetcher();
return self::$instance;
private function __clone() {
/* if we want real singleton :) */
trigger_error('Cannot clone', E_USER_ERROR);
Basically implementing a singleton pattern means writing a class with a private constructor and a static method to build itself. Also check PHP site for it: http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.php and http://it2.php.net/manual/en/book.spl.php
class A {
protected $check;
private function __construct($args) {
static public function getSingleton($args) {
static $instance=null;
if (is_null($instance)) {
$instance=new A();
return $instance;
public function whoami() {
$c->whoami(); // same object hash
$d->whoami(); // same object hash
$b= new A("otherargs"); // run time error
class MyObject {
private static $singleInstance;
private function __construct() {
if(!isset(self::$singleInstance)) {
self::$singleInstance = new MyObject;
public static function getSingleInstance() {
return self::$singleInstance;
class MyClass {
private static $instance;
public static function getInstance() {
if( !isset( self::$instance ) ) {
self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance;
Then call get instance using