I just asked a question about this but I want to go at it a different way. When a user edits his/her profile and hits the save button, I want to be able to generate a random number using UUID. I want this ID to stay the same if the user goes back and edits their profile a second time (if they press 'save' again I want to retain the ID that was generated the first time they pressed 'save'). I have the following code working to save other data, but I'm not sure how to include a check that can find out if an ID has already been generated. Here is my code:
public void save(View view) {
String firstnameText = firstname.getText().toString();
String lastnameText = lastname.getText().toString();
String phoneText = phone.getText().toString();
String cityText = city.getText().toString();
String zipText = zip.getText().toString();
String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); //Generate random ID but I
think this would generate a
new ID each time the data is
if (firstnameText != null)
PreferenceConnector.writeString(this, PreferenceConnector.FIRSTNAME,
if (lastnameText != null)
PreferenceConnector.writeString(this, PreferenceConnector.LASTNAME,
if (phoneText != null && !phoneText.equals(""))
PreferenceConnector.writeLong(this, PreferenceConnector.PHONE,
if (cityText != null)
PreferenceConnector.writeString(this, PreferenceConnector.CITY,
if (zipText != null && !zipText.equals(""))
PreferenceConnector.writeInteger(this, PreferenceConnector.ZIP,
if (uuid != null) //what next?
startActivity(new Intent(PreferencesActivity.this, Main.class));